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Crown Casino Interview Questions Answered
Crown Casino Interview Questions Questions And Answers
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Crown Casino Interview Questions Answers
Crown Casino Phone Interview Questions
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SUBJECTS: Crown Casino Scandal, Political Donations, Anglicare Jobs Report
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PAUL KENNEDY, HOST: Yes, the Pollie Graph. Its Wednesday afternoon and Peter Khalil is an MP for Wills, from Victoria. And so too Dr Katie Allen, a Victorian MP, both in Canberra today. Member for Higgins for the Liberal Party. Thank you both for joining us from Canberra.
DR KATIE ALLEN, MP: Good afternoon Paul.
PETER KHALIL MP: Gday Paul, thanks for having us on.
KENNEDY: Its my pleasure. I want to first start with this call for a Royal Commission into casinos. Rebecca Sharkie, who has had a busy week I should say, from Centre Alliance adding her name to the list of cross-benchers who are saying that there should be a Royal Commission into casinos. After those stories weve seen on the ABC this week involving some video footage of bags of cash and questions over money laundering. Firstly Ill just get both of your reactions to that. Would you like to see a Royal Commission?
KHALIL: I might start. I think these allegations by the whistleblowers are deeply disturbing and of course we would want to see these allegations investigated by the authorities and the full force of the law. And I know that Rebecca Sharkie and also Andrew Wilkie two crossbenchers have called for a Royal Commission. There are existing laws around money laundering and authorities that investigate and prosecute those types of unlawful activities. Royal Commissions as youd know Paul are very long-range, structured, deep-dive, theyre there to address potentially structural reform in a particular area of the law. But they dont have immediate consequences for wrongdoers and law enforcement does, so if there are serious allegations-
KENNEDY: They can very quickly hand the matters over to police, thats what they can do. Theyve got powers and they are independent.
KHALIL: Thats right. I would argue that any of these allegations need to be put to law enforcement right now and they need to be addressed immediately. And if there is illegal activity occurring these people need to be charged and prosecuted and that needs to happen ASAP. The other thing I would say about Rebecca and Andrews call is that they have made some very serious allegations. Andrew said something like the Victorian regulator is not doing their job properly, when in actual fact it contradicts the fact that it was the inspectors of the Victorian regulatory body that actually raised these serious concerns in the first instance. And hes talked a bit as Rebecca has about top cover or cover by politicians. If there were serious allegations they should put it forward to the police, absolutely.
KENNEDY : Peter Khalil, let me just read out before I get to you Dr Katie Allen a direct quote from Mr Wilkie, who points out the money that is donated to major political parties by gambling institutions and then says, and this is a direct quote, The Liberal and Labor parties protection racket is obviously in good shape and this was seen again by everyone today. Dr Katie Allen, would you support a Royal Commission into casinos to find out whether theyre laundering money?
ALLEN : Look I think the first thing to say is that we already have a number of investigations going both in Victoria and New South Wales, and now Christian Porter, the Attorney General, has called for the Australian Law Enforcement Integrity Commission to get involved because there is a member, I think a member of the AFP, who has been part of this. And so I think I actually completely agree that we need to have swift and importantly responding to these claims at the moment because people I mean theyre extraordinary actually potentially if these are true. So I think we need to use what is already in process and then, where that goes I dont know. But at this point in time I think its a little premature. Its with law enforcement agencies involved and those things have been activated.
KHALIL: Ill just add Paul Labors Shadow Attorney General Mark Dreyfus hasnt ruled out further action if required on this matter. And as Katie said it has been referred particularly to the Australian Law Enforcement Integrity Commissioner for investigation. I think that investigation has to be completed and further action taken if necessary.
KENNEDY: Thank you. Its worth also pointing out if you mention that we dont want to act prematurely that its not the first time weve heard serious allegations against Crown. This is Nick McKenzie, the well-known investigative journalist back on the drive program in August.
NICK MCKENZIE (GRAB): The reason this has arisen is that there is a multitude of State and Federal agencies who all have a bit of the pie when it comes to analysing money laundering, Chinese Communist Party influence, the activities of the casino, and no one agency has full responsibility and none of the agencies to date seem to have effectively worked together to tackle that problem.
KENNEDY: Now that was Nick McKenzie. Peter Khalil and Dr Katie Allen, Ill just put this to you, an observation of mine is that people dont become enraged when they see bags of cash at casinos, and perhaps they think that well thats the casinos business. But I do think there might be concern about a lack oversight and a lack of will from politicians to make sure that those gambling outlets are doing the right thing. Peter?
KHALIL: Well I dont particularly think there is a lack of will from politicians. I would actually call this out a little bit. If the crossbenchers who are calling for a Royal Commission actually have serious allegations about politicians that are providing as Andrew Wilke said top cover, name them. Put them out there in the public. Give them to law enforcement and throw the full force of the law against those people who are providing cover for this kind of illegal activity and also put the full force of the law and law enforcement against those who are conducting illegal activity. This argument that a Royal Commission will somehow be better I think Nick mentioned the fact that there are a lot of different agencies or authorities that are looking at this. Thats certainly true. They have their roles to play. And I mentioned that the Victorian regulator actually raised these concerns in the first instance. Well the law actually has to be allowed to operate. Law enforcement has to investigate these allegations and bring charges to the people who are conducting this activity. No-one is above the law, whether it be a politician or a casino official.
KENNEDY: Just one final one from me on this and we do have a message here from one of our listeners. We need a Royal Commission into why all of a sudden we need a Royal Commission into everything. Were you hinting at that? That we are getting Royal Commission fatigue? Crown Casino Interview Questions Answered
ALLEN : I think Royal Commissions play an incredibly important role. I think Peter was quite on the money, literally, when he said that these are about deep dives, theyre very extensive, they cost a lot of money and its very important that we know what it is that we are heading forward with. I think in this particular case the right reaction is there at the moment. Weve got some very important Royal Commissions at the moment. Im actually looking forward to hearing particularly the aged care Royal Commission. I think thats going to be an incredibly important one. I think they are very important things to do.
KENNEDY: Lets move on. By the way we are taking your calls. Weve got the politicians standing by to answer your questions. Ill stop asking these questions and hand over to you if you want to pose something to Peter Khalil or Dr Katie Allen. 1300 222 774, or if you want to send your question via text 0437 774 774. Are you both aware of the snapshot from Anglicare of jobs in this country that was released today. Among other things it mentioned that there are 19 application for every entry-level job as the number of low-skilled positions dry up. Thats research from Anglicare taking a look at the situation of employment in this country. Dr Katie Allen, are you aware of those observations made?
ALLEN: Yes look I have to say yknow jobs, absolutely front and centre of the strategy for this Government about what we want for the future of all Australians. We want all Australians to have a job. I do believe we are going through a significant, in fact a massive societal change with regards to job transitioning into the 21 st Century. Theres a lot of changes going on. I think if you ask anyone in the street they will say to you that the jobs of today are not the same as the jobs of 20 years ago and in even 10 years time the jobs of the future will also be different. We know for instance that the Future for Young Australians a few years ago released a very important report about job transitioning. I think the Federal Government is very aware that job transitioning is going to be an ongoing issue as we move our workforce into the 21 st Century more firmly.
KENNEDY: It can be very very grim for those people.
ALLEN: And we have to I think this report has pulled up what we sort of all know and weve all been watching and the Federal Government has already got two very important initiatives that were announced by the Minister for Jobs and Small Businesses Michaelia Cash in this most recent Federal Election. They were budgeted for, they will be delivered. And those two initiatives are really to focus particularly on the young workforce and getting them into jobs and the second one is the over-55 year old workforce. And we know that particularly women over the age of 55, some of them are struggling to transition to the new jobs that are available and so the second part of that initiative is a significant investment in helping people over the age of 55 upskill. Its a $2200 package in order to do that and thats really important because often people can lose their confidence, theyre not ready with the skill they need to transition to a different position.
KENNEDY: We did talk about that on the show yesterday, the difficulty of preparing a resume. Dr Katie Allen, Liberal MP for Higgins, the Prime Minister keeps saying the best form of welfare is a job. These figures are showing that people are applying for the jobs, they are just not enough of them. Ill just draw your attention to one other statistic from Anglicare saying that entry-level jobs have been decreasing over time. In 2006 those kinds of jobs made up 22 percent of overall job ads. Now theyre just 10 percent. Should the Prime Minister stop being so heavy-handed in his language in this regard?
ALLEN : Well I mean we are putting our money where our mouth is. We are investing significantly in upskilling and training for the young and we have 80,000 new apprenticeships that we are bringing online and there is a lot of work being done particularly with the Minister for Education Dan Tehan making sure that we have people ready for the future of work. And I would say that this is a very important area there is this issue about weve got very low unemployment but high under-employment so we need to be aware that even the way people interact with jobs and getting jobs is changing and so the other half of this new initiative is actually for those who are very tech-savvy to use more online services instead of having to go into Centrelink and also allowing employers to be better able to access jobs and jobseekers as well. So making that simpler and easier, bringing jobs and people together and then allowing the resources to be targeted to the more vulnerable who are struggling so I think we need to be a bit more nimble and agile and I think thats what Michaelia Cash is doing.
KENNEDY: Dr Allen you put out a media release only recently I believe attacking the Andrews Government for not doing enough for jobs. Peter Khalil for Wills, youre in Victoria, what do you take out of these figures, both state and federally?
KHALIL: Ive got to disagree with Katie on this one. I mean seriously. Yes, shes right about the fact that the economy is transitioning. Thats certainly true. The Government is responsible in many respects for taking opportunities away from people. Youre making them look and compete for jobs that just dont exist. You mentioned Scott Morrisons rhetoric. They promised 80,000 apprenticeships, but theyve actually got rid of 150,000 during their time in Government. There are fewer apprenticeships today than there were 10 years ago. We talk about the low-skilled jobs as well. Theres 18,200 low-skilled jobs available and 704,000 people who are unemployed. Theres five-and-a-half people as job seekers for each entry-level job. The Morrison Government has actually ripped $3 billion away from skills and training. To say that theyre putting their money where their mouth is, theyre actually taking their money and putting it in their pocket to try to bolster their confected surplus.
ALLEN: Its not our money, its taxpayers money.
KENNEDY: Dr Katie Allen you can respond.
ALLEN: Theres a difference between the Liberal and Labor policy and ours is that its the taxpayers money, not the Governments money.
KHALIL: You know that you had a good go there Katie. The fact is that youve ripped $3 billion out of skills and training. Basically with the robo-debt fiasco have raised billions of dollars off the most vulnerable people in society all to feather this confected surplus so Josh Frydenberg can go out there and say Look everyone, I have a surplus. And how have they done it?
KENNEDY: We are going to take a call because Sue has been standing by and Sue is in Melbourne CBD wants to pose a question. Sue?
SUE (CALLER): I actually have met Peter Khalil, but apart from that I want to refer back to a discussion Virginia had on her program this morning about dealing with structural issues of inequality but also with reference to the coming review into retirement incomes. Im a 65-year-old woman, single person, on a disability pension. There is one simple thing the Government can do at the stroke of a pen that would significantly increase the position Im in. Im paying rent, limited food, renting, so yknow People like me there is a whole cohort of women in this position and I hope this can be done. And it was raised twice by different people this morning. We can only earn about $70 a week. Im disabled, theres nothing wrong with my brain though. The sort of work I can do can earn me reasonable amounts of money, but I get cut off my pension if I earn more than $70 a week. It is just ridiculous. It doesnt even take you up to the minimum wage. Why cant the government, this amount of money that pensioners can earn hasnt changed for years and years and years.
ALLEN: Well um My understanding is that pension does increase with CPI so it does increase every six months, but I hear what you are saying and it sounds like you are potentially receiving disability allowance and rental assistance There are a number of different allowances that youre receiving is that right, or is that the age pension?
SUE: Im not talking about the amount of money Im receiving, Im talking about the amount of money you are restricted from earning on top of the pension that you receive. If I could earn $300 a week on top of my disability pension I would be fine.
KENNEDY: Youre talking about a disincentive to work.
SUE: Its a total disincentive for people like me, but it also works at the other end of the scale as well for young people. They can only earn a certain amount, not even up to the minimum wage which is just under $700 a week.
KENNEDY: Sue thanks for your call. Dr Allen, just a quick response to that if you want before we tackle the traffic.
ALLEN: We would like people to get good jobs and earn significant amount of money so they dont need to have the other forms of income.
KENNEDY: Lets get a quick look at a traffic, and then weve got a couple of calls lined up.
KENNEDY: We have our politicians Peter Khalil the Labor MP for Wills and the Liberal MP for Higgins Dr Katie Allen generously lending us their time from Canberra standing by. Lets go to a couple more calls. David is in Geelong. David.
DAVID (CALLER): Gday. My confidence in politicians is down somewhere around the S-bend but I do share the concerns of Wilke and Rebecca Sharkie and my confidence in politicians would be restored if the two reps for the local parties had any idea to what extent they are in the pocket of the gambling industry. That is, what is the exact level of donation their party receives from for example Crown Casino.
KENNEDY: Peter Khalil, what has the Labor Party taken from gambling outlets, specifically Crown Casino.
KHALIL: I specifically dont take any donations from Crown or any other gambling outlets or pokies or anything like that.
KHALIL: The ALP does and I think several parties get money from Crown I think a couple of hundred grand into the election coffers. I know your caller has a very low opinion of politicians and I understand the cynicism. People dont really trust pollies anymore. Theres a real distrust there. All I can say to you is that whoever donates money, whichever organisation or individual, whether its a dollar or a million dollars, has to obey the law. Thats the first thing. The second thing is that this idea if companies or individuals donate to parties that suddenly they have this amazing influence is a bit of a myth actually, because I know that many of my colleagues on different sides of politics across all the parties and minor parties and independents, you go into politics for similar reasons. You might have different ideas about what direction the country should take, but you actually go into it thinking that you can make Australian society better, the country a better place.
KENNEDY: Peter Khalil Im not sure that people would fiercely argue against that individual approach. But why do we have donations if there is no influence?
KHALIL: We have worked really hard to do donations reform. We dragged the Coalition Government kicking and screaming, dragging their heels on this. We unilaterally banned foreign donations, as a party. The Government then had to be dragged kicking and screaming into doing it almost a year and a half later than our party. Weve called for donations reform rights across the board and this Government has been unwilling to do so. There needs to be reform. But if youre saying there should be no donations, then we should be looking at public funding of politics. Thats an option that people put on the table.
KENNEDY: Dr Katie Allen, do you know how much money Crown Casino donates to the Liberal Party?
ALLEN: Look I dont know the exact amount but-
KENNEDY: Couple of hundred thousand dollars?
ALLEN: I dont know the answer so Im not going to make up an answer. What I will say is that Im a doctor, Im a paediatrician. And I understand having just entered into politics I only became a member of the Liberal Party three years ago there is a common view that politicians are all rotten. I have to say that I agree with Peter. I cant believe Im agreeing with Peter all afternoon!
KHALIL: Not on policy! Crown Casino Interview Questions Questions And Answers
KENNEDY: This is not why weve invited you on the program!
ALLEN: You should get different politicians together. What I would say is that there is a sense that there is a massive amount of influence that can happen behind closed doors. The one thing Ive been struck about since being a parliamentarian is that there is nowhere to hide. This place is the most transparent place in the entire world as far as I can see. Everyone knows what everyone is doing, theres no-where to hide, and the one thing about our democracy which is wonderful is that everyone needs to vote. And that is one of the most essential aspects of our democracy. I think theres only three countries in the world where that happens. Unlike the American political system. And often Australians think about politics and think about the American system. That place, having lived there, is much more a place that some people say, not me, that its run by lobbyists. So therefore the influence of pay for access, the influence that lobbyists have is an order of magnitude greater than Australia. And Im not saying that lobbyists dont have influence because of course they do.
KENNEDY: Can I just say that I dont speak for the crossbench but I feel I should point out that thats the criticism. That Liberal and Labor agree on this issue with regards to Crown Casino and donations. If its only a million dollars over four years.
KHALIL: We dont agree on donations Paul, sorry. Its just not true.
ALLEN: No, what we agree on is that we dont think that that it is as rotten as people are the listener is saying.
KHALIL: We banned donations from tobacco companies from an ethical point of view, as the Labor Party. We banned donations from any foreign sources.
KENNEDY: If its only a million dollars over four years for both major parties, why dont both major parties ban donations from gambling outlets?
KHALIL: As I said, I dont take any donations from gambling outlets.
KENNEDY: Would you like to see the ALP do so?
KHALIL: Lets have a discussion about funding politics in this country, and your caller raises this issue. If he thinks that more trust will come to politicians. We have talked about this before. Taxpayer funded campaigns. So we dont take donations.
KENNEDY: Are you saying that you need the money from Crown and other gambling outlets?
ALLEN: Hang on, I think its worth saying that to run a campaign actually does cost money. You have to supply material. I think it is a discussion to be had and there is actually a committee that is looking at electoral reform and I think one of the suggestions that has gone to the committee for discussion is exactly that point. Do we want to have taxpayer-funded campaigns? I certainly think that is something worth thinking about. What has happened in Victoria is that there has been some electoral reform and changes to the rules. What I would point out though is that I think its a bit of an uneven playing field with regard to the unions being exempt from that.
KENNEDY: Okay we are going to have to leave it there, youve both had a good say on this. Weve got some calls as well. We might get to those a little later in the program. But Peter Khalil and Dr Katie Allen, we do appreciate your time and taking those calls and answering our questions.
ALLEN: Thank you so much Paul.
KHALIL: Thanks Paul.
In this article, we explore some of the most common interview questions asked during a court clerk interview along with some great answers to help you win the job.
Are you sitting comfortably? Lets begin! 1. What should be the qualities of court clerk?
In order to score well in this interview question, an efficient way is to give a list of qualities and skills that are in alignment with the respective position. You can start with:
First, one must understand the methods required to succeed in this position
Secondly, indicate that the job will be your 1 priority
Third, indicate that you understand the importance of working as a team
Remember that regardless of position, self awareness is listed time and again as one of the number one things an employer looks for. Beyond this, staples such as:
Good communication
Are always great qualities to mention.
2. What experience do you have when it comes to discussing our recently posted COURT CLERK position?
Answer tips:
Speak about specifics that relate to the position you are applying for. If you know you do not have much experience in the job you are applying for, plan for this question ahead of time and ensure you can provide some relatable examples based on what you have done.
Almost all interviewers will appreciate confidence and pride in the work experience you have earned and your passion in transfering these valuable skills to your future role or position.
Answer sample
Ever since my first paper route at age 10 Ive been doing something to keep myself busy and earn money. Back then, it was obviously about earning some spending money. What I didnt realize was that I was actually starting the journey of establishing what I liked to do and how I fit in to the grand scheme of things. I then worked as a junior computer tech in my last 2 summers of high school. It was here that I discovered what I was passionate about and what I wanted to do. I enrolled in college to get my degree in computer sciences, and I have been working around technology ever since. 3. WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO IMPROVE YOUR KNOWLEDGE FOR COURT CLERK POSITION in the last 12 months?
Answer tips:
Here is an opportunity for you to showcase a wide variety of things you may have done both personally and professionally that will get your potential employers interested. Be sure to think about this one in advance in the event that it comes up.
Keep in mind, one of the key things that employers look for is an applicant who is self motivated and goal oriented.
Even if you dont have something that is specific to the role you are applying for, dont be afraid to list hobbies or other non-work related activities here. Again, this shows your employer you are the go-getter they are looking for.
In the end, you want to ensure that you are leaving your interviewer with the impression that you are motivated, self sufficient, and manage your time effectively.
Answer samples
That is a really great question. While I havent had the opportunity to develop within this particular role per se, I have actually become very involved in my local foodbank this year. This has taught me a great deal about community, teamwork, and taking initiative. I took it upon myself to enroll in a summer business admin course at the local community college. Through this, I picked up some really great knowledge on communication and teamwork, as well as further develop overall managerial skills. Though it may not be directly applicable to this particular job, I believe the overall experience I gained could be a real asset here. 4. Tell me about yourself
In polling hundreds of different companies HR departments, this is by far one of the most frequently asked questions in any job interview. Your interviewer will use this as an icebreaker, ideally to put you at ease and get you speaking openly and honestly.
While you definitely want to be prepared for this question, you certainly dont want to make your answer sound memorized. Keep in mind, while this question may sound like an invitation to share your life story, you can be assured your interviewer has very little interest in hearing about everything youve ever done.
The person giving the interview has a job to do as well respect their time. Unless you are asked about something specific, focus on your education, your work history, relatable hobbies and outside interests, as well as your current situation.
Be sure to start chronologically and tell a linear story. Start where you feel is sensical, then work your way up to the present.
5. I like what Im hearing but weve got a ton of great candidates. Why should we hire you?
An easy question to answer well with one caveat dont slam your fellow interviewees. On the one hand, you have an opportunity to really stand out from the pack. Alternatively, You shouldnt assume the skills of other applicants. Focus on your own strengths, and if the interviewer hasnt given you an opportunity to mention that one slam dunk quality about yourself, now would be the time.
Is there a wrong way to answer this question? Consider the responses below:
I really need a job right now
I need the money
Your office is really close to my house
Ive always been interested in what you guys do
Notice any commonality here? All of these answers demonstrate a benefit to you . While every employer assumes that these sorts of things play in on some level, these are not the reasons they are going to hire you.
In summation, clearly illustrate what in specific has made you a good employee, and how you envision yourself contributing to and benefiting the company .
6. Im curious how did you come to find out about our company and what do you know about us?
This can be a great way to stand out from other applicants and demonstrate initiative. Almost every company will have a website, Facebook page, Instagram account, or some sort of digital footprint. Spend a bit of time doing some online research:
If they have a website, check out their About us or Culture/Mission/Vision pages.
Who are some of the principal people who work there? Who are the founders?
What sorts of things does this company care about? Do they donate to a particular cause or charity? Which one(s)?
What are their core values? Which of their core values resonate with you?
Has the company been in the news recently or have they won any awards (Social Media can be a great place to find this information).
While your interviewer wont expect you to have in-depth company history, a little here can go a long way. 7. I dont expect you to go into too much detail but why are you leaving your last job?
An innocent question. But a question that if answered improperly, can be a deal breaker. While many individuals will be looking to a new job as a means of increasing their salary, not being paid well enough at your last job is not something you want to mention to your interviewer. After all, are you not likely to leave this particular job if you found you could make more down the street?
If youre currently employed and leaving of your own accord, craft your response around enhancing your career development and a seeking out of new challenges.
If your current employer is downsizing, be honest about it, remain positive, but keep it brief. If your employer fired you or let you go for cause, be prepared to give a brief but honest reply. No matter how tempting it may be, or how unfair it was that they let you go steer clear away from any and all drama and negativity. Any experienced employer understands that sometimes things happen. Staying positive is key here. 8. What are your strengths?
While this question is an invitation to do some chest pounding, remember to illustrate strengths that will benefit the employer and arerelative to the position. For example:
being a problem solver
being a motivator
being a natural leader
the ability to perform under pressure
a positive attitude
loyalty Crown Casino Interview Questions Tell Me
Are typically all solid strengths, but again, consider the position. For example, mentioning you are an excellent team player in a job where you largely work alone suddenly becomes irrelevant to the employer and demonstrates a genuine lack of self awareness.
Beyond this, present your strengths with confidence this is not the time to be modest. 9. What are your weaknesses?
Another tricky one. The purpose of this question is to see how you view and evaluate yourself.
One the one hand, if you suggest you dont have any weaknesses, your interviewer will almost certainly see you as a lair, egotistical, or both.
Dont fall into the trap of trying to present a positive skill in disguise as a weakness, like I work too hard or I am a perfectionist. Any experienced interviewer will see through this in a heartbeat.
Additionally, revealing that Im not really a morning person and have been known to come in late raises immediate and obvious red flags.
The trick here is to respond realistically by mentioning a small, work related weakness and what you are doing or have done to overcome it. 10. What do you see yourself doing in five years?
This one is all about job commitment.
Some people make job hopping a career in of itself, and your answer here can be telling. Here, your interviewer is determining if you are:
someone who sets goals
someone who has a vision
someone who is reliable
someone who demonstrates commitment
someone who is loyal
While no interviewer expects someone to stay at a company forever, try and craft your response in such a way that shows progression in your career, and alignment with the Companys needs and future. Again, self awareness is key your employer doesnt want to send you down an unwanted path, resulting in wasted time and energy for everyone. 11. What are your salary expectations?
Many consider this question to be a loaded gun dangerous in the hands of the inexperienced. Often times, an interviewee will start talking salary before theyve had an opportunity to illustrate their skill set and value making any sort of leverage valueless. Here, knowledge is power, as salary often comes down to negotiation. Do some research into your industry to establish base rates of pay based on seniority and demand but keep in mind your employer is hiring you for what they believe you are worth , and how much benefit they feel you will provide .
One relatively safe approach is simply asking the interviewer about the salary range. If you wish to avoid the question entirely, respond by saying that money isnt a key factor and your primary goal is to advance in your career. 12. Do you have any questions?
This one you can almost be assured will be asked, and you better have some ready.
By asking questions you demonstrate initiative, and show that you care enough about the job to have done some research. Ask questions that focus on areas where you can be an asset. Beyond this, other questions may be more direct including productivity, expectations, training, and other logistics. All this being said, try and limit the questions to no more than three or four.
Lastly youll want to ask about the next step in the process and when to expect to hear about the position.
Top job interview materials:
For more details, please click links below:
1. Top 10 job interview books
2. 10 things to do after every job interview 8 bonus tips for knocking it out of the park: 1. Background Research
As indicated above, research on the company youre applying for is critically important. Arm yourself with knowledge on the products, services, and types of customers this company deals with. You may even want to let them know who you feel their competition is! Beyond trying to make yourself look good, researching the culture of the company can provide great insights into whether or not you and your potential employer are aligned.
2. Practice makes perfect
To be certain, interviews do not always follow the same format and each interviewer will have his or her own style. That said, there are certain questions you can expect to be asked in almost any interview for any position. By understanding and practicing responses for these oldies but goodies, you can show up to each interview that much more confident.
3. Have some examples ready
While many candidates tell their interviewer that they posses certain desirable qualities, the proof as they say, is in the pudding. Spend some time in advance of your interview coming up with concrete examples of prior work achievements and how they demonstrate a desired ability. Be prepared for the recruiters questions and to anticipate them based on job position requirements. Instead of simply saying I am well organized , trying attaching an example or strategy. I am a well organized person - here is an example of a project I spear-headed where organization was clutch . Looking for the slam dunk? Finish your response with Did that help answer your question?.
4. Dressing for Success
First impressions can make or break so many things in society, and your interviewers impression of you is no exception. Whether anyone is willing to admit to it or not, the reality is you will be judged from the moment you arrive at the door. This is where some of the aforementioned research comes into play. What is the culture of the company like? Are they a highly formal suit-and-tie affair, or a casual silicon valley hipster organization? If you under-dress, you can appear to be too relaxed, and someone who does not appear to be taking this position seriously. However, overdressing can be perceived as over compensation. When in doubt, dress sharp, in classic business casual.
5. Play it cool
Assuming you have done some practice, you are ready to play it cool - as well you should. Make sure youve planned out your route well in advance, and provided ample extra time for unexpected traffic and parking issues. You should smile when greeted, and keep in mind that your interviewer may be just as nervous as you. During the interview, speak clearly and deliberately. Your body language is also important; dont slouch back in your chair or appear hunched over in a defensive position. Sit tall, proud, and confident.
6. Be honest
Some candidates think using elaborate techniques to talk around difficult questions keeps them in the power position. A much better approach is honesty. If you are asked a question and simply dont believe you have well developed skills in that area, dont be afraid to let the interviewer know, rather than answering with unrelated and tangential examples. Try taking control in these situations by saying something like While I dont have experience in that particular area, I feel my experience in this area may be beneficial .
Crown Casino Interview Questions Answers 7. Dont be afraid to close the deal
Once the interview is over, the likelihood is both you and the interviewer have a good idea of where one another stand. As you stand up post interview and engage in a final handshake, be upfront. Confidence here can go a long way. If you believe you nailed the interview, be bold: Im going to be straight with you - I think that went really well and I think Id be a great asset here. Where do I stand as of now? . Alternatively, if you dont think it went wellyou probably have your answer already.
8. Be sure to ask questions Crown Casino Phone Interview Questions
Try and prepare 2 or 3 really great questions that imply youve done some homework in advance of the interview. You can really impress your interviewer by asking practical questions regarding specifics about the company as well as the role itself.
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